Walkathon 2022

Together we can do anything!

This year’s AIDS Orphan Care walkathon was a huge success, setting a new fundraising record! 

We’ve raised $31,600 and donations are still flowing in.

That's money for AIDS orphans and HIV-positive kids for:

  • Food

  • Medicine

  • Education

  • Clothing

  • Covid safety supplies

It's warmth in the winter, clean water and handwashing stations all year round.

It's housing and house mothers for the kids who live in the Children's Village.

It's love, to orphans on the other side of the world.

Before AIDS Orphan Care got involved, the kids at the Mamello School in Lesotho sometimes got

school lunch. But by the end of each month, the money would run out so some days, lunch was only a

slice or two of bread. That’s why a robust school lunch program was AIDS Orphan Care’s first project.

Then we learned that for the poorest orphans, lunch was not enough. Hunger pains made it

impossible to concentrate on morning lessons. Many had been taken in by elderly grandmothers

when their parents died of AIDS, and they were too poor for adequate food at home. So we added a

free school breakfast program also. During the covid pandemic lockdown, this shifted to emergency

food boxes delivered to the children’s villages.

As we raised more money, we were able to expand our support to the AIDS orphans and HIV-positive

kids, to make sure they got not only enough to eat but also a strong education, transportation to

doctors’ visits, medications, warm clothes in winter, and extra safety measures during covid. We

helped the Mamello School enact its motto: “We stand and care.”

Deborah Kutenplon